Cloth Diapers- Gerber Premium 6-ply prefold. I buy them at http://www.babiesrus.com/. The rest are JUNK these are the best ones out there to sew or embroider on. They hold up in the wash and don't shrink and pile like the other ones. They are super absorbent, but not too thick and work wonderfully for burp-rags!

Embroidery Thread- Metro thread from http://www.metroembroiderythread.com/. There are other very superior embroidery threads out there, but this seems to be the best quality for the cost. Good quality embroidery thread can be very expensive and cheap embroidery thread can break and shread. Metro thread seems to be a good combination of both good quality and price. I do have to use a thread stand with this thread since it is comes cross threaded on the spool, if not it will tangle when coming off the spool.
Bibs- Koala baby is the best quality for the price. I buy them at http://www.babiesrus.com/. The terry cloth does not pull out as in some bibs. They are not too thick to embroider on but are very absorbent. You can get them in white, boy colors or girl colors in 10-packs.

Craft glue- I absolutely LOVE Scotch Craft Stick. You can buy them at Wal-Mart in a two pack. I use it in the traditional way for scrapbooking, but my main use is to hold down ribbon, fabric or trim in the proper position, in stead of pins, before sewing. I measure my fabric,ribbon or trim and then glue it down to the burp rag or bib. You can then reposition it till you get it perfect and then let it dry. After drying (which takes a matter of minutes) you can sew the item on with no stretching, shifting or pins to get in your way. You will get a perfectly straight ribbon,trim or fabric each time!
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