A recently came across an add on craigslist where a lady who sells Mary Kay makeup was wanting to trade makeup for handmade items (bows, clothes, etc.). I use Mary Kay makeup and thought it sounded like a fun idea. Mary Kay makeup is not cheap if bought at full price, so I figured I could embroider some items for her and I would get my make-up for a fraction of the cost. Today we met at McDonalds and swaped items. It was such a fun way to trade items. I got my makeup and she got some cute embroidered items! (By the way, I looked the lady up on the Mary Kay website before I aggreed to the deal, she was a reputable Mary Kay seller.)

The only thing I changed was the size of the sleeves. I cut out a 4 1/2in by 9 1/2in rectangle for each sleeve before hemmed and ruffled the bottom material before attaching.
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